
Single Use or Tiered Usage Pricing Models

We offer the traditional payment that are powered by Stripe, a trusted and straightforward way to handle transactions. With Stripe's global reach and security-focused infrastructure, users can enjoy a frictionless payment process using credit cards, debit cards, digital wallets, buy now pay later.


One off purchase
PPSR report
/Once off
  • Low volume usage
  • Reports available immediately
  • All payment types accepted
  • Multiple payment methods


Most Popular
Tiered usage subscription model
/tiered pricing
  • Tiered pricing based on volume
  • Billed Monthly
  • Share reports with other users
  • Payment processing by Stripe


Tailored to requirements
Contact us
  • Invoiced Payments
  • Tiered pricing based on volume
  • Share reports with other users
  • Dedicated Account Manager

* See Tiered Pricing table

You can make one off payments with your favorite cryptocurrencies, we can accept hundreds of currencies including assets like ETH, MATIC, USDC, USDT, DAI, and more. Customers can also pay with any asset held on, including Bitcoin, Doge, and Litecoin. Please note that payments in Bitcoin, Doge, Litecoin, and Bitcoin cash can't be processed from a self-custodial wallet or third-party exchange. Navigate to Crypto Payments to get started or see Crypto documentation for more information

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